@database ImagedeskE.guide @Master imagedeskE.texi @Width 72 This is the AmigaGuide® file ImagedeskE.guide, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input file imagedeskE.texi. This is the documentation for the program ImageDesk @Node Main "ImagedeskE.guide" @Next "M1_INTRD" ImageDesk An utility for cataloging your picture directories Version 1.3 (C) Copyright 1994-1995 Reinhard Haslbeck SHAREWARE @{" Introduction " Link "M1_INTRD"} What is ImageDesk good for @{" System Requirements " Link "M1_REQUI"} Minimum requirements on your Amiga @{" Installation " Link "M1_INSTL"} ...is really easy @{" Quick Start " Link "M1_FASTE"} For the unpatient ones @{" Usage in General " Link "M1_TOUSE"} Description of ImageDesk's functionality @{" Catalog Tools " Link "M1_TOOLS"} Tools for touching up Catalog files @{" Register " Link "M1_REGIS"} How do I get my keyfile @{" Updates " Link "M1_UPDAT"} Where can I get the latest releases @{" Legal Stuff " Link "M1_RIGHT"} Copyright, Liability, Trademarks @{" Known Bugs " Link "M1_BUGRP"} It's not a bug, it's ... @{" Future " Link "M1_FUTUR"} Possible future enhancements @{" Releases " Link "M1_HISTO"} What has changed @{" Thanks " Link "M1_THANX"} Do not forget to read this @{" Author " Link "M1_AUTOR"} If you want to contact me @EndNode @Node "M1_INTRD" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_INTRD" @Next "M1_REQUI" @Prev "Main" @Toc "Main" Introduction ************ ImageDesk is a program to catalog picture directories by generating small representants of the pictures, so called thumbnails. Those thumbnails are internally being expanded to objects which will include all essential attributes of the represented pictures. Several thumbnail objects which corresponding pictures are in the same directory, could be saved together into a catalog file for being available immediately on request. These files could be saved packed, too provided XPK has been installed. The following picture formats are currently supported and will be recognized automatically: @{b}*@{ub} IFF ILBM (color mapped, EHB, HAM, HAM8, DEEP, DCOL ) @{b}*@{ub} GIF (87a, 89a) @{b}*@{ub} JPEG (1) @{b}*@{ub} PCX (1 bit upto 32 bit) @{b}*@{ub} BMP (4,8 and 24 bit, OS/2 and Windows formats, unpacked only) @{b}*@{ub} PCD (upto BASE size) @{b}*@{ub} PNM (P4, P5 und P6) @{b}*@{ub} TARGA (all formats, Interleaved has not been tested yet) The corresponding picture of a thumbnail object could be shown if requested. Therefore two internal viewers, the window- and the screen viewer, exists for each above mentioned format. The latter are able to view Images on @{i}CyberGraphics-@{ui}, @{i}Picasso-@{ui} or standard 8 bit screens. If you do not like the internal viewers, it is also possible to specify external picture viewers. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) ImageDesk needs the "Tower JPEG Codec Class" from Christoph Feck for its JPEG support. @EndNode @Node "M1_REQUI" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_REQUI" @Next "M1_INSTL" @Prev "M1_INTRD" @Toc "Main" System Requirements ******************* To figure a thumbnail image on the Desk, ImageDesk needs an Intuition Screen with 256 colors. Hence the minimum requirements on Kickstartversion is 3.0 (V39) or higher, and on the graphics hardware the ability to provide 8-bit Intuition screens. This distribution contains two versions of ImageDesk. One is compiled for standard systems with a 68000 CPU the other version has been optimized for 68030 processors but should run on 020 and 040 systems, too. A coprocessor is not required (ImageDesk makes no use of floating point arithmetics). It is not easy to define, how much memory ImageDesk requires. In normal state, up to 1MB system memory is needed. During the generation of catalog files very much memory will be allocated - that is the critical moment. In this case the memory consumption could be estimated approximately. In general, for every directory entry which matches the specified pattern, about 7KB of memory will be allocated. In addition there will be a hidden picture generated in the memory. For every pixel of that picture 3 bytes (24 bit) are needed. @{i}Remark:@{ui} You could reduce the memory requirement by limitating the entries per Catalog file (see also @{i}System Prefs@{ui} in @{i}Configuration@{ui}). This could be very useful, especially by generating catalog files for very large directories as they could be found on CD-ROM picture archives. @EndNode @Node "M1_INSTL" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_INSTL" @Next "M1_FASTE" @Prev "M1_REQUI" @Toc "Main" Installation ************ The installation procedure is completely handled by the Commodore Installer. You just have to double-click one of the icons @{b}Install.Deutsch@{ub} or @{b}Install.English@{ub} in the drawer @{b}ImageDesk@{ub}. To install the "Tower JPEG Codec Class" (which is neccessary for ImageDesk's JPEG support) just double-click the icon @{b}Install@{ub} in the drawer @{b}JPEG Codec@{ub}. If the @{b}JFIF DataType@{ub} by Christoph Feck has been installed already, It is not neccessary to do this installation procedure. @EndNode @Node "M1_FASTE" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_FASTE" @Next "M1_TOUSE" @Prev "M1_INSTL" @Toc "Main" Quick Start *********** ImageDesk can be started from Shell or from WorkBench. In both cases the same three arguments and tooltypes, resp., are supported. @{b}*@{ub} @{b}PREFS=@{ub} - ImageDesk opens the prefs file @{b}@{ub} @{b}*@{ub} @{b}CAT=@{ub} - ImageDesk opens the file @{b}@{ub} immediately at the programstart @{b}*@{ub} @{b}VILLAGEMODE@{ub} - For Picasso users only: ImageDesk starts in Village mode (default is CyberGrahpics mode). If no prefs file were specified, ImageDesk is looking for the file @{b}ImageDesk.idprefs@{ub} in the current directory. Should no valid prefs file be found, ImageDesk asks via requester for screen and font to be used. If it gets all required resources, the screen will be opened and all available functions are accessable by the menu (and partly by hotkeys, too). @{b}Open Catalog@{ub} Opens a requester which allows to select a former generated catalog file. If selected by @{i}Selectable@{ui}, a window will be opened after confirmation by the @{b}OK@{ub}-button, where the first catalog entry and the number of entries to load can be selected. @{b}Generate Catalog@{ub} First of all a filename for the catalog file has to be specified in a requester. After this, another requester opens where path and pattern for the desired files has to be selected. Now ImageDesk checks every file if it is a supported picture format. In this case a thumbnail object will be created, which will appear as an intuiton gadget on the screen. @{b}Read Single Image@{ub} A thumbnail object for a single picture will be created. @{b}Scan Path@{ub} Operates like @{i}Generate Catalog@{ui}, but no catalog file will be saved. @{b}About@{ub} no comment @{b}Information@{ub} Informs about the current program state @{b}Quit@{ub} Quits ImageDesk after a security request. @{b}Single File@{ub} Views a choosen picture, if its format is known by ImageDesk. @{b}Path Contents@{ub} Works like @{i}View Single Image@{ui}, but every file which filename is visible in the filerequesters listview will be processed. @{b}Selected Thumbnails@{ub} First of all, the desired thumbnail objects have to be marked by a single click into its image. The marking will be visualized by a frame rendered around the thumbnail image. After that this menu item needs to be selected again. Now all pictures which belong to the marked objects will be viewed one by one. @{b}Remove Single@{ub} The next selected thumbnail object will be removed from the desk. @{b}Clean Whole Desk@{ub} After a security request all thumbnail objects on the desk will be removed. @{b}Mark & Delete@{ub} Thumbnail objects have to be selected exactly as described in @{i}Selected Thumbnails@{ui}. If this menu item is selected again all marked Thumbnails will be removed from the screen. @{b}System Prefs Window@{ub} Opens the window to change the system preferences settings. @{b}Viewer Prefs Window@{ub} Opens the window to change the viewer preferences settings. @{b}Show Image Infos@{ub} With this menu item being checked and a thumbnail object is clicked an information window will be displayed giving information about the picture which belongs to this thumbnail object. In this window it is either possible to view the picture or to turn back to the desk immediately. @{b}Ask Before Cleaning Desk@{ub} If this menuitem is checked nearly everytime a @{i}Clean Whole Desk@{ui} has to be made a security requester will prompt you for confirmation. @{b}Load Prefs@{ub} Load an other preferences file. @{b}Save Prefs@{ub} Saves the current preferences settings. @{b}Reset to defaults@{ub} Overrides the current preferences settings and uses default values. Screen size and font will be asked by requester. @EndNode @Node "M1_TOUSE" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_TOUSE" @Next "M1_TOOLS" @Prev "M1_FASTE" @Toc "Main" Usage in General **************** @{" Starting ImageDesk " Link "Starting ImageDesk"} Stack, Arguments, Tooltypes @{" Configuration " Link "Configuration"} Adjust ImageDesk to your own requirements @{" Menu " Link "Menu"} ImageDesk's menu structure @{" Restrictions " Link "Restrictions"} ...without a keyfile @{" Hints on Usage " Link "Hints on Usage"} Tips and Hints @EndNode @Node "Starting ImageDesk" "ImagedeskE.guide/Starting ImageDesk" @Next "Configuration" @Toc "M1_TOUSE" Starting ImageDesk ================== Due to my experiences, the stacksize is not growing much beyond the 2KB border. Therefore the default size of 4096 Bytes will be sufficient in most cases. If you work mainly with images much wider than 1000 pixels its more secure to increase the stacksize to 8KB. ImageDesk could be started from a shell or by Workbench. Currently there are three arguments and tooltypes, resp., allowed: - @{b}PREFS=@{ub} - ImageDesk tries to load the prefsfile @{b}@{ub} at programstart. If this file could not be found or it is not a valid ImageDesk prefsfile, default values will be used. - @{b}CAT=@{ub} - ImageDesk opens the catalog file @{b}@{ub} immediately at the programstart. - @{b}VILLAGEMODE@{ub} - (for usage in conjunction with a picasso only) If the CyberGraphics software is installed on the system, ImageDesk will use it for its specail screens in 8/15/16/24 bitdepth by default. if VILLAGEMODE is set, it is tryed to use the standard Picasso drivers instead. If no configuration file has been specified at programstart, ImageDesk will try to find the file @{b}ImageDesk.idprefs@{ub} in the current directory. The first time you start ImageDesk, it won't find a configuration file, of course. In this case, ImageDesk reports about it and you will be asked for screenmode and screenfont. The other values will be set to defaults. After that procedure a prefsfile will be saved immediately. Nevertheless it is recommended to set all the preferences values to your own requirements by selecting the menu items @{b}System Prefs Window@{ub} and @{b}Viewer Prefs Window@{ub} (see also @{i}Configuration@{ui}). @EndNode @Node "Configuration" "ImagedeskE.guide/Configuration" @Next "Menu" @Prev "Starting ImageDesk" @Toc "M1_TOUSE" Configuration ============= The configuration adjustments in ImageDesk have been splitted in two major groups: @{b}*@{ub} System preferences @{b}*@{ub} Viewer preferences Therefore, two preferences windows are available: - @{b}System Prefs Window@{ub} - To configure ImageDesk's main environment - @{b}Viewer Prefs Window@{ub} - To configure ImageDesk's handling of the picture viewers These windows could be opened by selecting one of the menu items @{b}System Prefs Window@{ub} or @{b}Viewer Prefs Window@{ub}. @{" System Prefs " Link "System Prefs"} @{" Viewer Prefs " Link "Viewer Prefs"} @EndNode @Node "System Prefs" "ImagedeskE.guide/System Prefs" @Next "Viewer Prefs" @Toc "Configuration" System Prefs ------------ The data of the valid screenmode is displayed in the frame titled @{i}Screen@{ui}. A mouse click on the @{b}?@{ub}-button opens a screenmode requester where a new screenmode can be selected. It is also possible to choose higher values for width and height than the screen's visible sizes. In this case it will be opened as an autoscroll screen. The frame titled @{i}Font@{ui} can be handled the same way. Here, the font for screen and windows of ImageDesk is displayed and can be changed. Another area within the window named @{i}Thumbnails@{ui} contains gadgets describing the Thumbnail presentation. @{b}Dither Thumbnail Images@{ub} Since ImageDesk has to deal with a limited number of colours, the thumbnail images are not always in best quality, especially if the images contain of fine colour runs. If this gadget is selected a bigger colourspace is simulated by the use of @{i}ordered dithering@{ui}. However, using dithering not always results in a better quality of the thumbnail images as the pixelspace is to small to cheat the eyes perfectly. Another disadvantage is that dithered images could not be packed as effectively. @{b}Show File Names@{ub} If selected, file names will be displayed beyond the thumbnail images. @{i}Caution:@{ui} If screenmode, font or the way the thumbnails are displayed has been changed and you want to leave this window by pressing the @{b}USE@{ub} or @{b}Save@{ub} button, all thumbnail objects will be removed. The third framed area of this window groups some gadgets where the xpkmode to use, an encryption password if supported and the efficiency of packing has to be specified. If XPK is not installed these gadgets are disabled. Other preferences gadgets which could not be classified to a specific group are: @{b}Output Window@{ub} Here the string for specifiying the attributes of the external viewer console window has to be edited. It is very important for this string to contain @{b}SCREEN=IMAGEDESK@{ub} at the end. Otherwise, this console window won't open on ImageDesk's screen. @{b}Max. entries per catalog@{ub} This is a slider gadget which allows to change the entry limit of the catalog files. If a scaned directory contains of more entries than specified here, there will be generated as many catalog files as neccessary to store all its thumbnails. Should more than one catalog file be used for a single scan, the files will be numbered and its filename will get this number as an filename extension. @{b}Use XPK for Catalogs@{ub} This gadget is displayed disabled if XPK has not been installed. Otherwise, it determines if XPK is used for saving catalog files. @{b}Save Project Icons@{ub} This gadget determines if an icon should be created for each generated catalog file. Creating project icons for catalog file has a big advantage. Later, it is possible start ImageDesk and load a catalog file with a single mouse click. There are four additional buttons, horizontaly spreaded at the bottom of the window: @{b}Save@{ub} The edited configuration is saved in the current directory and gets the filename @{b}ImageDesk.idprefs@{ub}. After this, the window will be closed and the changed values will be used in ImageDesk. @{b}Use@{ub} The edited configuration is used immediately and the window will be closed. @{b}Load@{ub} In a filerequester you are prompted for a prefsfile which is loaded afterwards. The window remains open to let the user make further changes to the loaded prefs. @{b}Cancel@{ub} The window is closed, all changes will be dismissed. @EndNode @Node "Viewer Prefs" "ImagedeskE.guide/Viewer Prefs" @Prev "System Prefs" @Toc "Configuration" Viewer Prefs ------------ This window is used to select which viewer has to be taken for each supported image format. To select, click on one radio button of @{b}custom screen@{ub}, @{b}external@{ub} or @{b}window@{ub}. @{i}Remarks:@{ui} @{b}*@{ub} If the `Tower JPEG Codec' has not been installed, the corresponding buttons are disabled. To specify an external viewer, you have to type the viewer name and the arguments you want to use. Instead of a filename type @{b}%s@{ub}. A small example: Supposed you want to use the picture viewer called @{i}GigaView@{ui} and usally you would call this viewer: GigaView SCREENBEHIND In the corresponding gadget you would have to type the following string: GigaView %s SCREENBEHIND @{i}Caution:@{ui} you have to set the whole path instead of the viewer name only. Otherwise ImageDesk may not find it. The preferences in the framed area named @{i}Internal Viewer Prefs@{ui} are meaningless for external viewers and partly meaningless for the most image formats. @{b}Display Screens@{ub} With this cycle gadget you tell ImageDesk how to determine the custom screens for displaying the images. - @{i}autoscreen@{ui} - ImageDesk tries to find optimal values for screen mode and screen size by itself. - @{i}requester@{ui} - Everytime an image has to be displayed, the user will be asked for a screen mode by a requester. - @{i}global@{ui} - Fixed screen ids will be used. The user is responsible for @{i}Global CLUT Screen@{ui} and @{i}Global DCOL Screen@{ui} to have valid values. @{b}Display Size@{ub} Which size the images should be displayed has to be determined here. These values are meaningless for the external viewers. - @{i}original@{ui} - The image will be displayed in original size. - @{i}small@{ui} - The image will be displayed in half the hight and half the width. - @{i}tiny@{ui} - The image will be displayed in a quarter the hight and a quarter the width. @{i}Caution:@{ui} The values in @{b}Display Size@{ub} are only meaningful for the image formats PCD and JPEG, yet. @{b}Orientation@{ub} These adjustments will cause the following: - @{i}Auto@{ui} - PCD only: Tries to find out the orientation by itself. - @{i}Force Landscape@{ui} - PCD only: Displays images in landscape mode. - @{i}Force Portrait@{ui} - PCD only: Displays images in portrait mode. - @{i}Upside Down@{ui} - all formats: Displays images mirrored to the x-axxis. - @{i}Left to Right@{ui} - PCD only: Displays images mirrored to the y-axxis. @{b}Global CLUT Screen@{ub} After clicking on the @{b}?@{ub}-button a screenrequester appears where you have to choose an 8-bit screen. This selected screenmode is used for displaying all images containing upto 256 colors. This setting is only significant if @{i}Display Screens@{ui} is set to @{i}global@{ui}. @{b}Global DCOL Screen@{ub} Same as @{i}Global CLUT Screen@{ui}, with the difference that a screenmode for all images containing more than 256 colors has to be choosen. @{i}Remark:@{ui} it is quite possible to choose an 8-bit screenmode, but the display quality will be not very satisfying. @{b}Dither 8-Bit Displays@{ub} If this gadget is checked, the images in 8 bit illustration (this is valid for the window viewers and for the 8-bit screen viewers) are displayed dithered. This improves the display quality of the image, but slows down the procedure a bit. Only images which contain more than 256 colors will be dithered. This means all 15/16/24/32 bit pictures and HAM images. @{b}Use Original Palette@{ub} If checked, this gadged says that the windows viewer will use the original color palette of the pictures. Therefore, it is meaningful for images which contains up to 256 colors, only. If `Use Original Palette' is activated, ImageDesk temporarily (to be more specific, for the duration a picture is displayed) switches its palette to the one of the picture. This will cause a somewhat strange looking user interface but it will decrease the the time for building up an image @{i}dramatically@{ui} and will avoid quality losses. In the other case the image will be converted to 24-bit RGB row by row and scaled to 8-bit RGB, afterwards (for the insiders: RRRGGGBB). @{b}Delay@{ub} The maximum duration time an image has to be displayed (in 1/10 seconds). After all, the display could be closed at any time (any keystroke or mouse button when screen viewers are used, ESC-key or CloseGadget when the Window viewers are used). The four additional buttons @{b}SAVE@{ub}, @{b}USE@{ub}, @{b}LOAD@{ub} and @{b}CANCEL@{ub} have the same meaning as they have in the System Prefs window. @EndNode @Node "Menu" "ImagedeskE.guide/Menu" @Next "Restrictions" @Prev "Configuration" @Toc "M1_TOUSE" Menu ==== @{" Project " Link "M2_PROJ"} @{" View Images " Link "M2_VIEW"} @{" Remove Thumbnails " Link "M2_THUM"} @{" Preferences " Link "M2_PREF"} @EndNode @Node "M2_PROJ" "ImagedeskE.guide/M2_PROJ" @Next "M2_VIEW" @Toc "Menu" Project ------- @{" Open Catalog " Link "M21_OPCAT"} @{" Generate Catalog " Link "M21_GNCAT"} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @{" Read Single Image " Link "M21_RSING"} @{" Scan Path " Link "M21_SPATH"} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @{" About... " Link "M21_ABOUT"} @{" Information " Link "M21_INFMT"} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @{" Quit " Link "M21_QUITP"} @EndNode @Node "M21_OPCAT" "ImagedeskE.guide/M21_OPCAT" @Next "M21_GNCAT" @Toc "M2_PROJ" Open Catalog ............ This menu item branches in two subitems: @{b}*@{ub} @{b}Selectable@{ub} - opens a requester in which a former generated catalog file has to be choosen. If this file could not be identified as a catalog file, you will get an error message. In the other case, a window is opened, giving information about free space for thumbnail objects on the desk and the number of entries in the catalog file. The window contains two slider gadgets where the first entry to load and the number of thumbnail objects to load could be specified. Existing thumbnail objects on the desk won't be replaced, therefore it is sometimes neccessary to remove all of them from the desk with @{b}Clean Desk First@{ub} before new ones are loaded. Loading is started when the @{b}Load@{ub}-button has been pressed. A process monitor will show approximately the current state of the loading procedure. It could be interrupted by pressing the ESC-key. @{b}*@{ub} @{b}Quick@{ub} - the selection window won't be opend. The catalog file is loaded immediately. There will be just as many thumbnails loaded as there will fit on the screen. @EndNode @Node "M21_GNCAT" "ImagedeskE.guide/M21_GNCAT" @Next "M21_RSING" @Prev "M21_OPCAT" @Toc "M2_PROJ" Generate Catalog ................ This menu item branches in two subitems: @{b}*@{ub} @{b}Show Thumbnails@{ub} - First of all a filename is requested for the catalogfile to be generated. After this another requester opens where path and a template for the picture files could be choosen. An additional selected file will be ignored. If the @{b}OK@{ub}-button has been pressed, ImageDesk starts to examine all files listed in the requester for being a supported format. In this case, a thumbnail object will be generated which occurs as an intuition gadget on the screen. @{i}Caution:@{ui} If there is no space left on the desk for a single thumbnail image, all existing objects will be removed from the desk without any demand. However, this will not influence the file which is generated. The process monitor which occurs during the generation process helps by estimating the current state of the procedure. To stop the thumbnail generation, press the ESC-key and it will be interrupted on the next possible point of time. @{i}Remark:@{ui} If the generation process has been interrupted, all former generated objects will be saved correctly. @{b}*@{ub} @{b}Don't show Thumbnails@{ub} - Acts exactly like @{b}Show Thumbnails@{ub}, but the generated thumbnail images won't occur on the desk. @EndNode @Node "M21_RSING" "ImagedeskE.guide/M21_RSING" @Next "M21_SPATH" @Prev "M21_GNCAT" @Toc "M2_PROJ" Read Single Image ................. A filename for a single image file is requested and a thumbnail object will be generated for it. @EndNode @Node "M21_SPATH" "ImagedeskE.guide/M21_SPATH" @Next "M21_ABOUT" @Prev "M21_RSING" @Toc "M2_PROJ" Scan Path ......... Acts nearly the same way like @{i}Generate Catalog@{ui}, but no catalogfile is generated and saved. @EndNode @Node "M21_ABOUT" "ImagedeskE.guide/M21_ABOUT" @Next "M21_INFMT" @Prev "M21_SPATH" @Toc "M2_PROJ" About ..... Opens a information window which tells about program version, author and registered user. @EndNode @Node "M21_INFMT" "ImagedeskE.guide/M21_INFMT" @Next "M21_QUITP" @Prev "M21_ABOUT" @Toc "M2_PROJ" Information ........... Opens a information window which tells: @{b}*@{ub} Name of the public screen @{b}*@{ub} Graphics board mode @{b}*@{ub} Available memory @{b}*@{ub} Thumbnail deskspace @{b}*@{ub} Number of thumbnail objects used @EndNode @Node "M21_QUITP" "ImagedeskE.guide/M21_QUITP" @Prev "M21_INFMT" @Toc "M2_PROJ" Quit .... Exits ImageDesk after a security request. @EndNode @Node "M2_VIEW" "ImagedeskE.guide/M2_VIEW" @Next "M2_THUM" @Prev "M2_PROJ" @Toc "Menu" View Images ----------- The menuitems contained here serve for viewing pictures. For the viewer's behavour the adjustments made in the @{b}Viewer Prefs Window@{ub} are responsible. All internal viewers could be interrupted at any time by pressing the @{b}@{ub}-Key. @{" Single File " Link "M22_SFILE"} @{" Path Contents " Link "M22_PCONT"} @{" Selected Thumbnails " Link "M22_SELEC"} @EndNode @Node "M22_SFILE" "ImagedeskE.guide/M22_SFILE" @Next "M22_PCONT" @Toc "M2_VIEW" Single File ........... You will be prompted for a filename of an imagefile. If it is a supported format it will be displayed. @EndNode @Node "M22_PCONT" "ImagedeskE.guide/M22_PCONT" @Next "M22_SELEC" @Prev "M22_SFILE" @Toc "M2_VIEW" Path Contents ............. Acts like @{i}Single File@{ui}, but all in the filerequester's listview shown files will be processed. During this procedure, a process monitor is present to inform about the current process state. To interrupt it press the ESC-key. @EndNode @Node "M22_SELEC" "ImagedeskE.guide/M22_SELEC" @Prev "M22_PCONT" @Toc "M2_VIEW" Selected Thumbnails ................... First of all, ImageDesk turns into a marking mode. You will be prompted to mark all thumbnail objects you want by clicking them with the mouse. ImageDesk confirms this by rendering a frame around the object. At this point of time it is still possible to unmark selected objects by clicking it again. If the marking procedure is finished this menuitem @{i}has to be@{ui} choosen again and all images which belong to the marked objects will be displayed one by one. @EndNode @Node "M2_THUM" "ImagedeskE.guide/M2_THUM" @Next "M2_PREF" @Prev "M2_VIEW" @Toc "Menu" Remove Thumbnails ----------------- The contained menu items serve for removing a single or all thumbnail objects from the desk. @{" Remove Single " Link "M23_RMSIN"} @{" Clean Whole Desk " Link "M23_CLEAN"} @{" Mark & Delete " Link "M23_MRKDL"} @EndNode @Node "M23_RMSIN" "ImagedeskE.guide/M23_RMSIN" @Next "M23_CLEAN" @Toc "M2_THUM" Remove Single ............. The thumbnail object selected next will be removed from the desk. @EndNode @Node "M23_CLEAN" "ImagedeskE.guide/M23_CLEAN" @Next "M23_MRKDL" @Prev "M23_RMSIN" @Toc "M2_THUM" Clean Whole Desk ................ All thumbnail objects will be removed form the desk. Depending on the current preferences a security request is made before. @EndNode @Node "M23_MRKDL" "ImagedeskE.guide/M23_MRKDL" @Prev "M23_CLEAN" @Toc "M2_THUM" Mark & Delete ------------- First of all, ImageDesk turns into a marking mode. You will be prompted to mark all thumbnail objects you want to remove by clicking them with the mouse. ImageDesk confirms this by rendering a frame around the object. At this point of time it is still possible to unmark selected objects by clicking it again. If the marking procedure is finished this menuitem @{i}has to be@{ui} choosen again and all marked objects will be removed. @EndNode @Node "M2_PREF" "ImagedeskE.guide/M2_PREF" @Prev "M2_THUM" @Toc "Menu" Preferences ----------- @{" System Prefs Window " Link "M24_SPWIN"} @{" Viewer Prefs Window " Link "M24_VPWIN"} @{" Show Image Infos " Link "M24_SINFO"} @{" Ask Before Cleaning Desk " Link "M24_ABCDK"} @{" Load Prefs " Link "M24_LOADP"} @{" Save Prefs " Link "M24_SAVEP"} @{" Reset to defaults " Link "M24_RESET"} @EndNode @Node "M24_SPWIN" "ImagedeskE.guide/M24_SPWIN" @Next "M24_VPWIN" @Toc "M2_PREF" System Prefs Window ................... Opens the window for changing the system preferences (see also @{i}System Prefs@{ui} in @{i}Configuration@{ui}). @EndNode @Node "M24_VPWIN" "ImagedeskE.guide/M24_VPWIN" @Next "M24_SINFO" @Prev "M24_SPWIN" @Toc "M2_PREF" Viewer Prefs Window ................... Opens the window for changing the viewer preferences (see also @{i}Viewer Prefs@{ui} in @{i}Configuration@{ui}). @EndNode @Node "M24_SINFO" "ImagedeskE.guide/M24_SINFO" @Next "M24_ABCDK" @Prev "M24_VPWIN" @Toc "M2_PREF" Show Image Infos ................ In the default mode ImageDesk displays the corresponding Image of a thumbnail object, if it has been clicked with the mousebutton. If this menu item is marked by a hook symbol, an information window opens after the activation of an object. It will show the essential attributes of an image represented by this thumbnail object. @{b}*@{ub} Filename of the original image @{b}*@{ub} Path of the file @{b}*@{ub} Type of the image (IFF, JPEG, GIF...) @{b}*@{ub} Image width in pixels @{b}*@{ub} Image height in pixels @{b}*@{ub} Original bitdepth of the image @{b}*@{ub} Does the image file contain of a colorpalette To display the image, press the button @{b}View Image@{ub}. If you do not want to see the picture then you'll have to press the button @{b}Very Interesting@{ub}. If this menu item is not marked with a hook the image belonging to the thumbnail object will be displayed immediately after the activation of the object. @EndNode @Node "M24_ABCDK" "ImagedeskE.guide/M24_ABCDK" @Next "M24_LOADP" @Prev "M24_SINFO" @Toc "M2_PREF" Ask Before Cleaning Desk ........................ If this item is checked, everytime a @{i}Clean Whole Desk@{ui} operation is made the user will be prompted for confimation before (ignored during thumbnail generation). @EndNode @Node "M24_LOADP" "ImagedeskE.guide/M24_LOADP" @Next "M24_SAVEP" @Prev "M24_ABCDK" @Toc "M2_PREF" Load Prefs .......... This menuitem serves for loading a former saved configuration. The filename for the prefsfile will be asked by a requester. @EndNode @Node "M24_SAVEP" "ImagedeskE.guide/M24_SAVEP" @Next "M24_RESET" @Prev "M24_LOADP" @Toc "M2_PREF" Save Prefs .......... You will be prompted for a filename which will be used for saving the current configuration. @EndNode @Node "M24_RESET" "ImagedeskE.guide/M24_RESET" @Prev "M24_SAVEP" @Toc "M2_PREF" Reset to defaults ................. The current configuration will be neglected to fix default values. Screenmode and font will be asked by requester. @EndNode @Node "Restrictions" "ImagedeskE.guide/Restrictions" @Next "Hints on Usage" @Prev "Menu" @Toc "M1_TOUSE" Restrictions ============ Without a personal keyfile, ImageDesk does not offer its whole functionality. The restrictions in particular: @{b}*@{ub} Sometimes a `NervRequester' will appear to remind on registering. @{b}*@{ub} The maximum number of entries in a catalog file is restricted to 15. But it is still possible to work on much larger directories. @{b}*@{ub} The maximum number of thumbnail objects to load is restricted to 13. @{b}*@{ub} The catalog tool @{b}CATJoin@{ub} won't work at all. I apply on your insight for these restrictions. How to get a personal keyfile you can read in @{i}Register@{ui}. @EndNode @Node "Hints on Usage" "ImagedeskE.guide/Hints on Usage" @Prev "Restrictions" @Toc "M1_TOUSE" Hints on Usage ============== Using XPK --------- Of course, it is every users decision wether he use XPK or not. Despite a short delay while loading and saving catalogfiles, XPK provides nothing but advantages. The files will be shrinked to 35% of their original size in average. This shrink factor may be brougt down to 25% if an according xpkmode and xpkefficency has beeen choosen. Further more xpk provides password protection for catalog files. Yet, for all that it has to be considered, that your password ist stored unencrypted in the prefsfile and could be read by everyone who has access to the computer system. The following xpkmethods are very useful. - @{b}SHRI@{ub} - provides very high packing rates - @{b}RDCN@{ub} - provides very fast packing @{i}Caution:@{ui} Don't use @{b}xpack@{ub} for packing or repacking catalog files, ImageDesk won't be able to read them then. Use @{b}CATRepack@{ub} instead. Online Help ----------- ImageDesk does not yet support an internal online-help function, but this could be done external very easyly: check the tooltypes in the icon of the hypertext document @{b}ImageDesk.guide@{ub}. If it has not been done before, set a tooltype variable to @{b}PUBSCREEN=IMAGEDESK@{ub}. If you need help after ImageDesk has been started you have to switch to the Workbench Screen (@{b}+@{ub}) and to double-click the icon @{b}ImageDesk.guide@{ub}. ImageDesk Windows ----------------- Everytime the current configuration is saved, size and position of certain ImageDesk windows are saved with it. The last used positions and sizes will be stored here. Screen Colors ------------- ImageDesk uses an optimized color palette. 255 out of 256 possible colors are reserved for figuring the thumbnail images. Therefore it is not possible to let the user choose custom colors for ImageDesk's user interface. Another consequence of this fixed palette are the unusual colors the mouse pointer will get. Increasing the Deskspace ------------------------ Suggestions have been made to supply ImageDesk with more than one screen plane to provide more deskspace. Such a feature won't be implemented in the near future. I refer to the possibility to change the screensizes in the screenmode requester. If the supplied values are higher than the screen's visible dimensions, the screen will be an autoscrolling one. How to avoid memory short runs ------------------------------ If you want to limit the memory consumption you should, first of all, avoid using very big screens. Furthermore, the max. number of entries per catalog should not be to high (see also @{i}System Prefs@{ui} in the chapter @{i}Configuration@{ui}). Thumbnail objects which won't be used anymore should be removed, this will give back some memory to the system. PCD support ----------- The PCD support in ImageDesk is just rudimentary. I'm sorry, but I can't afford to spend thousands of Dollars to get a license and a toolbox for Windows(TM). All the Information on the PCD format I used in ImageDesk, I got from studying pertinent source codes or I found out by myself. If you want to have a more professional Photo CD(TM) support you should consider to buy a commercial product. Thereby you'll get access to the larger formats 1536x1024, 3072x2048 (and partly bigger) and to image-converting and -processing functions. Changing the `default project' icon ----------------------------------- If you don't like the icons generated by ImageDesk (maybe you need `MagicWB'-style icons), you just have to change the icon named @{b}ID_DefProjIcon(.info)@{ub}. This could be done with pertinent icon tools e.g. @{b}IconEd@{ub}. But you should consider not to change the icon's attributes. @EndNode @Node "M1_TOOLS" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_TOOLS" @Next "M1_REGIS" @Prev "M1_TOUSE" @Toc "Main" Catalog Tools ************* This distribution contains of several CLI-only tools. They serve for touching up catalog files created by ImageDesk. The templates for running such a tool do accord with the Commodore style guides. For further explanation take a look into your AmigaDos Manuals. @{" CATList " Link "M11_LIST"} @{" CATChPath " Link "M11_CPAT"} @{" CATRepack " Link "M11_REPK"} @{" CATJoin " Link "M11_JOIN"} @{" CATRemEntry " Link "M11_RMEN"} @EndNode @Node "M11_LIST" "ImagedeskE.guide/M11_LIST" @Next "M11_CPAT" @Toc "M1_TOOLS" CATList ======= Template: --------- @{b}CATFILE/A,P=PASSWORD/K,F=FULL/S@{ub} Description: ------------ Lists all entries of an ImageDesk catalog file in the order of their occurrence. This command is very useful to find out which position a specific entry has. To remove an entry, for example, it is neccessary to know its position in the catalog file. @{b}CATFILE/A@{ub} Path and filename of an ImageDesk catalog file. @{b}P=PASSWORD/K@{ub} If a catalog file was generated by using xpk-password encryption, the corresponding password has to be specified here. @{b}F=FULL/S@{ub} Besides position and filename, this switch directs CATList to print further attributes of the pictures. @EndNode @Node "M11_CPAT" "ImagedeskE.guide/M11_CPAT" @Next "M11_REPK" @Prev "M11_LIST" @Toc "M1_TOOLS" CATChPath ========= Template: --------- @{b}CATFILE/A,P=NEWPATH/A@{ub} Description: ------------ To avoid a repeated thumbnail generation run if a path of an image directory has changed, you should use this program. It changes the content of the pathname in a catalog file to the choices given by the user. As only the header of a catalog file is changed, it is not neccessary to specify a password even if it has been encrypted before. In opposition to most of the other catalog tools, CATChPath is a so called `In Place'-operation. This means, you should better work on a copy of a catalog file to avoid damaging this file if an error occurs. @{b}CATFILE/A@{ub} Filename of the ImageDesk catalog to work on. @{b}P=NEWPATH@{ub} A string which describes the path to image directory. It won't be checked for validity, so the user is responsible for the correctness. @EndNode @Node "M11_REPK" "ImagedeskE.guide/M11_REPK" @Next "M11_JOIN" @Prev "M11_CPAT" @Toc "M1_TOOLS" CATRepack ========= Template: --------- @{b}CATFILE/A,O=OUTFILE/K,X=XPKMETHOD/K,F=EFFICENCY/N,P=PASSWORD/K@{ub} Description: ------------ If the packing method or packing efficiency of a former generated catalog file is to be changed, this command has to be used. For example, you could save your catalog files uncompressed in ImageDesk and pack them afterwards with CATRepack. For security reasons an OUTFILE should be specified. @{b}CATFILE/A@{ub} Filename of the ImageDesk catalog to work on. @{b}O=OUTFILE/K@{ub} Name for the resulting output file. If this argument ist missing, the original file will be overwritten. @{b}X=XPKMETHOD/K@{ub} Packing method to be used for the catalog file. Refering to the XPK conventions, this has to be an uppercase fourletter string. @{b}X=NUKE@{ub} for example would mean, XPK method NUKE has to be used. If this argument is missing or XPK has not been installed the file will be saved without packing. @{b}F=EFFICENCY/N@{ub} Efficiency the under XPKMETHOD specified packmethod should work with. This has to be a number in the range between 0 and 100. Default value is 50. @{b}P=PASSWORD/K@{ub} If the catalog file has been saved key-encrypted here the password has to be specified. This password will also be used for the new output file if XPKMETHOD supports passwords. @EndNode @Node "M11_JOIN" "ImagedeskE.guide/M11_JOIN" @Next "M11_RMEN" @Prev "M11_REPK" @Toc "M1_TOOLS" CATJoin ======= Template: --------- @{b}CATFILE1/A,CATFILE2/A,AS=TO/K/A,X=XPKMETHOD/K,F=EFFICENCY/N,P=PASSWORD/K@{ub} Description: ------------ Joins two catalog files to a new one. Provided that you have generated more than one catalog file for a image directory in ImageDesk - maybe to save memory. For later assembly this command has to be used. It is very imortant for @{b}CATFILE1@{ub} and @{b}CATFILE2@{ub} to have the same path entry for the image directory. CATJoin won't work if ImageDesk has not been registered - it is the only one of the catalog tools which requires the keyfile. @{b}CATFILE1/A@{ub} Filename of the first ImageDesk catalog file. @{b}CATFILE2/A@{ub} Filename of the second ImageDesk catalog file. @{b}AS=TO/K/A@{ub} Name for the output file. @{b}X=XPKMETHOD/K@{ub} Packing method to be used for the output file. Refering to the XPK conventions, this has to be an uppercase fourletter string. If this argument is missing or XPK has not been installed the file will be saved without packing. @{b}F=EFFICENCY/N@{ub} Efficiency the under XPKMETHOD specified packmethod should work with. This has to be a number in the range between 0 and 100. Default value is 50. @{b}P=PASSWORD/K@{ub} If the catalog files has been password-encrypted, you have to specify the password here. Unless the two input files use the same password, CATJoin returns with an error. In this case, one of them has to be adjusted with @{b}CATRepack@{ub} to the other one. This password will also be used for the output file. @EndNode @Node "M11_RMEN" "ImagedeskE.guide/M11_RMEN" @Prev "M11_JOIN" @Toc "M1_TOOLS" CATRemEntry =========== Template: --------- @{b}CATFILE/A,E=ENTRY/N/A,O=OUTFILE/K,X=XPKMETHOD/K,F=EFFICENCY/N,P=PASSWORD/K@{ub} Description: ------------ CATRemEntry removes the entry with the position number @{b}ENTRY@{ub} from a catalog file. This could be neccessary to re-establish the consistence between the catalog file and the contents of the image directory. By help of @{b}CATList@{ub} you can find out the entrynumber you want to know. The other arguments show the same behaviour as they do in @{b}CATRepack@{ub}. @{b}CATFILE/A@{ub} Filename of the ImageDesk catalog to work on. @{b}E=ENTRY/N/A@{ub} Postition of the entry to remove. @{b}O=OUTFILE/K@{ub} Name for the resulting output file. If this argument is missing the original file will be overwritten. @{b}X=XPKMETHOD/K@{ub} Packing method to be used for the output file. Refering to the XPK conventions, this has to be an uppercase fourletter string. If this argument is missing or XPK has not been installed the file will be saved without packing. @{b}F=EFFICENCY/N@{ub} Efficiency the under XPKMETHOD specified packmethod should work with. This has to be a number in the range between 0 and 100. Default value is 50. @{b}P=PASSWORD/K@{ub} If the catalog file has been saved key-encrypted here the password has to be specified. This password will also be used for the new output file if XPKMETHOD supports passwords. @EndNode @Node "M1_REGIS" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_REGIS" @Next "M1_UPDAT" @Prev "M1_TOOLS" @Toc "Main" Register ******** As you may have noticed, ImageDesk is a shareware product. Nearly all functions are available for testing without paying any money. If you think ImageDesk is worth the amount of 30,- DM or $20,-, refer to me for your personal keyfile. The keyfile method offers the advantage to enjoy the whole functionality of new ImageDesk releases immediately. You do not have to wait until I send you a new fully featured version. Besides the keyfile, you'll get the latest release of the ImageDesk distribution and a printed manual. To get registered for ImageDesk, please print the file @{b}OrderForm@{ub} on your printer (if no printer is available, write off this text), fill up this form and send it to the given address. I will endeavour to act upon your registration within two weeks after I get the register form and the sharefee. In most cases it will be done faster. Prospectively the keyfiles will be shipped by (snail)mail. The author reserves the right, not to accept register requests. Special Conditions ================== Since I had stopped developping for @{b}FLIcasso@{ub}, @{b}FLImer@{ub} and @{b}FLItina@{ub} some month ago, I offer all former registered users of these programs the opportunity to become registered for ImageDesk. 1. Registered version of ImageDesk without a printed manual: Send me a floppy disk, a stamped envelope addressed to yourself and the register form. 2. Registered version of ImageDesk, including a printed manual: Send me 10,- DM (or $10,-) in cash and the register form. @EndNode @Node "M1_UPDAT" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_UPDAT" @Next "M1_RIGHT" @Prev "M1_REGIS" @Toc "Main" Updates ******* When you become a registered user, you will get the latest release of ImageDesk together with your personal keyfile. Thereby, you are independent from a direct support by the author. You'll get the latest releases from Aminet (eventually other PD archives, too) instead. If you do not have the possibility to get ImageDesk this way you could get it directly from the author. In this case, send me a letter and include 5,-DM ($5,- if you do not live within the EU). This offer is valid for registered users only. @EndNode @Node "M1_RIGHT" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_RIGHT" @Next "M1_BUGRP" @Prev "M1_UPDAT" @Toc "Main" Legal Stuff *********** @{" Liability " Link "Liability"} @{" Distribution " Link "Distribution"} @{" Trademarks " Link "Trademarks"} @{" Copyright " Link "Copyright"} @EndNode @Node "Liability" "ImagedeskE.guide/Liability" @Next "Distribution" @Toc "M1_RIGHT" Liability ========= THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. @EndNode @Node "Distribution" "ImagedeskE.guide/Distribution" @Next "Trademarks" @Prev "Liability" @Toc "M1_RIGHT" Distribution ============ It is allowed to distribute ImageDesk on any data medium and to make it available on bulletin boards or other network compounds if the following directory structure will be kept. c (dir) CATChPath CATJoin CATList CATRemEntry CATRepack example (dir) Aminet4_Pix_misc.CAT Aminet4_Pix_trace.CAT Bestellformular Bestellformular.info ImageDesk.000 ImageDesk.000.info ImageDesk.030 ImageDesk.030.info ImagedeskD.guide ImageDeskD.guide.info ImageDeskE.guide ImageDeskE.guide.info ImageDeskMWB.info Install.Deutsch.info Install.English.info installID ID_DefProjIcon.info ID_DefProjIconMWB.info OrderForm OrderForm.info It is of course allowed to distribute these files in a packed archive file. It is also allowed to levy copy charges for the distribution on floppy disks or CD-ROMs, as long as it has stated clearly for the user that he has not payed for the share fee, hereby. It is not allowed to copy, distribute or generate keyfiles for ImageDesk without a written permission from the author. Special Versions ---------------- If you want me to program a special version of ImageDesk e.g. for the management of commercial image archive CD-ROMs, you should try to contact me. @EndNode @Node "Trademarks" "ImagedeskE.guide/Trademarks" @Next "Copyright" @Prev "Distribution" @Toc "M1_RIGHT" Trademarks ========== Workbench (TM), Intutition(TM) and Amiga (TM) are registered trademarks of Commodore Amiga Inc.,West Chester, USA. GIF(TM) and "Graphics Interchange Format"(TM) are registered trademarks of Compuserv Inc., Ohio, USA. PCD(TM) and "Photo CD"(TM) are registered trademarks of Kodak Corp. Windows(TM) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. @EndNode @Node "Copyright" "ImagedeskE.guide/Copyright" @Prev "Trademarks" @Toc "M1_RIGHT" Copyright ========= @{i}ImageDesk@{ui}, the accompanying files and the ImageDesk manual is Copyright (C) 1994-1995, Reinhard Haslbeck. All Rights reserved. The JPEG codec is Copyright © 1994 Christoph Feck, TowerSystems. All Rights Reserved. It is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. @EndNode @Node "M1_BUGRP" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_BUGRP" @Next "M1_FUTUR" @Prev "M1_RIGHT" @Toc "Main" Known Bugs ********** The following bugs are known: @{b}*@{ub} Some of the image decoding functions are not very tolerant of corrupt image files. This could cause system crashes. @{b}*@{ub} If `MagicMenu' has been installed some menu colors will be displayed wrongly. @{b}*@{ub} It has been reported, ImageDesk is unable to open a screen requester, if @{i}ReqChange@{ui} has been installed. I could not check this out, because ReqChange crashes on my system. It is recommended not to use ReqChange (startup program is named @{i}RCstart@{ui}), but to use Nico Francois's @{i}RTpatch@{ui} instead. @EndNode @Node "M1_FUTUR" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_FUTUR" @Next "M1_HISTO" @Prev "M1_BUGRP" @Toc "Main" Future ****** The following list should give a reference which features future releases of ImageDesk may have. The succession of this list does not say anything, at all. @{b}*@{ub} Add a catalog browser @{b}*@{ub} AREXX Port @{b}*@{ub} Better error handling of corrupt image files @{b}*@{ub} Asynchronous window management @{b}*@{ub} Speed improvements for the dog slow GIF and IFF decoders @{b}*@{ub} Decrease of the memory usage during thumbnail generations runs @{b}*@{ub} Support for further image formats @{b}*@{ub} Add a Toolbar @EndNode @Node "M1_HISTO" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_HISTO" @Next "M1_THANX" @Prev "M1_FUTUR" @Toc "Main" Releases ******** 0.97 Beta --------- First beta release. 0.98 Beta --------- @{b}*@{ub} Now the default publicscreen ist left to the workbench as long as it is not neccessary for ImageDesk to declare its screen to the default publicscreen. @{b}*@{ub} Before closing the screen, ImageDesk now checks if other applications have opened their windows on ImageDesk's publicscreen. @{b}*@{ub} Don't try to load IFF-ILBM images with unknown compression type anymore. @{b}*@{ub} Filenames for the external viewers may contain spaces, yet. @{b}*@{ub} The slidergadgets in the @{b}Load Catalog@{ub} control window are now managed correctly. @{b}*@{ub} A few catalog file tools have been added (@{b}CATList@{ub}, @{b}CATChPath@{ub}, @{b}CATRepack@{ub}, @{b}CATJoin@{ub} and @{b}CATRemEntry@{ub}). 1.0 - first public release -------------------------- @{b}*@{ub} Added internal window viewer. @{b}*@{ub} Removed small bug in the BMP reader. @{b}*@{ub} System font will be opened correct, now. @{b}*@{ub} Added dither option for 8-bit displays. 1.01 ---- @{b}*@{ub} Fixed bug: Village Screenmode requester sometime has been opened on the workbench screen. @{b}*@{ub} Fixed bug in the JPEG Picasso viewer: 8-bit JPEGs where displayed wrongly on the 8-bit screens. @{b}*@{ub} Fixed a wrong palette entry in the 8-bit Picasso viewer. @{b}*@{ub} Improved display speed of the window viewer for truecolor images. 1.02 ---- @{b}*@{ub} Added Scrollbars to the window viewer. 1.1 --- @{b}*@{ub} Added Switch `Use Original Palette' for the window viewers. @{b}*@{ub} Now supports and generates project icons for catalogs. 1.11 ---- @{b}*@{ub} Thumbnail generation from 4-bit BMPs reported an error - Fixed. @{b}*@{ub} Now The name of the screen is displayed instead of the ID in the System Prefs window. 1.12 ---- @{b}*@{ub} 'Default Public Screen' has not been set back to workbench if the Picasso screenrequester has been used - Fixed. 1.2 --- @{b}*@{ub} Fixed bug: If no complete path has been specified for a catalog file to be generated, some problems could have been arised while saving. @{b}*@{ub} CyberGraphics and standard 8 bit intuition screens are supported. @{b}*@{ub} The state of @{i}Show Image Infos@{ui} is stored in the prefs file. @{b}*@{ub} The information window now shows the current graphics board mode. @{b}*@{ub} Added new menu item @{i}Ask Before Cleaning Desk@{ui}. @{b}*@{ub} @{i}Open Catalog@{ui} now branches into subitems: @{i}Selectable@{ui} and @{i}Quick@{ui}. @{b}*@{ub} Added new menu item @{i}Mark & Delete@{ui} for multiple thumbnail removal. @{b}*@{ub} Changed (Improved?) most of the screen displaying routines. @{b}*@{ub} The image information window now shows the path of the file too. 1.21 ---- @{b}*@{ub} The number of entries per catalog is now selectable in the range of 3 and 600. @{b}*@{ub} Now it is possible to interrupt the internal viewers at any time. @{b}*@{ub} A few internal changes. 1.22 ---- @{b}*@{ub} Removed problems in conjunction with MFR. @{b}*@{ub} Fixed bug in the window viewers which caused a very high CPU-load factor. @{b}*@{ub} Compacted program code in the Picasso screen viewers. 1.23 ---- @{b}*@{ub} IFF DCOL (Direct COLor) chunks are supported now. 1.3 --- @{b}*@{ub} Fixed bug: The ILBM decoder had problems reading truecolor images which contains additionally palette information. @{b}*@{ub} Fixed problem of reading ILBMs containing ANNO Chunks with a wrong Chunk lenght field. @{b}*@{ub} Now it is possible to have file names beeing rendered beyond the thumbnail images. @EndNode @Node "M1_THANX" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_THANX" @Next "M1_AUTOR" @Prev "M1_HISTO" @Toc "Main" Thanks ****** The following people I have to thank a lot. Without them, ImageDesk would not exist (at least not in this appearance). - @{i}Christoph Feck@{ui} for his great job on the JPEG Codec. - @{i}Matthias Meixner@{ui} for @{b}gengui@{ub} which enables ImageDesk's size sensitive GUI. - @{i}Markus Wild@{ui} for porting the GNU-C compiler to the Amiga. - @{i}Urban Dominik Müller@{ui} and all others who worked on XPK. - @{i}Reinhard Spisser@{ui} and @{i}Sebastiano Vigna@{ui} for the amiga release of MakeInfo. - @{i}Erik Gerl, Christian Herzinger, Thomas Kummer@{ui} for betatesting and their suggestions. - @{i}Martin Pfingstl@{ui} for allowing me to test on his A4000/40. - @{i}Renate Valenta@{ui} for her helping hand on the translation of the manual. - @{i}Frank Mariak@{ui} for his help on my CyberGraphics problems. - @{i}Dan Zerkle@{ui} for his corrections on my @{i}Announcement@{ui}. - @{i}Jocelyn Levac@{ui} for drawing @{i}MagicWB@{ui}-styled icons and for beeing a nice guy. - @{i}Ignaz Kellerer@{ui} for sending me IFFs ImageDesk had problems with. All these people could get a registered version of ImageDesk if they want (For this make a remark on the register form). @EndNode @Node "M1_AUTOR" "ImagedeskE.guide/M1_AUTOR" @Prev "M1_THANX" @Toc "Main" Author ****** Reinhard Haslbeck Spirknerstr. 7 84137 Vilsbiburg FR GERMANY Tel. +49 (0)8741/91212 Fax. +49 (0)8741/7140 e-mail: Internet haslbeck@informatik.tu-muenchen.de or haslbeck@leo.org @EndNode